Archive by tag: GodReturn

Being a Disciplined Disciple of God

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Being a Disciplined Disciple of God
We are all disciples, whether it be one of God or of Satan. In order to know the difference, you must be able to recognize what it means to be disciplined. Are you having the hardest time staying committed to the teachings of God? Do you have a pattern of doing your best as you continue to mess up? Be assured that God will never give you a command in which you are unable to follow. You too can be as Jesus, a disciplined disciple of the Father.
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Acting on faith in God

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Acting on faith in God
Faith is an action word. It is always producing something in our lives. What we don't realize is when we act in faith, it must be in God especially when we want God to do something. The goal is acting on faith in God. In order to see the power of God working in our lives, we must make sure our faith is not misdirected.
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