The Grey Area

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The Grey Area

“I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."  Rev 3:15-16

There exist an unknown danger as well as an unknown enemy of every person that can or will come to Christ or that would commit to Him.  It’s an enemy that is hiding in plain sight.  Although is it really hidden at all.  No, it’s not.  People choose not to take heed or pay much attention because it is said, "It’s not that big of a deal, it's normal, or it’s ok."  That is the enemy of indecision, uncertainty, the grey area, etc...  Before writing this article, I realized that I had been a person that was a middle man: a person who leans toward the middle or lingers in the grey area and would not make choices unless pushed or where my back was against the wall.  I had to be coerced, talked about, or pushed.  I have been a very indecisive person.  My wife has often told me, “James, your very indecisive.”  I would always disagree.  When asked or given choices, I usually allowed another person to come to a resolution for me.  I would ask, "what do you want to do, what do you say, chose or think?”  Anything to get it off of me.  I really didn’t see a problem with it.  But, that's just it, there’s a huge problem. 

Many people really don’t understand that the state of our mind and heart determines every other thing and affects every other area of our lives.  Why does God hate indecisiveness, the grey area, or the middle, being stuck in the middle?  God is certain and sure.  There is no doubt or question about who He is, where He stands, and what He stands for on every issue.  Indecisiveness equals uncertainty, plain and simple! How can a person make small or insignificant choices when he/she doesn't make the most significant choice or highest commitment that any person can make, which is to serve God totally?  God desires people that will make a clear, concise, and conscious choice to follow Him.  Surrendering to God is the most crucial choice that any individual can make.  What many fail to realize is that by not choosing, you automatically choose.  The person who can’t make up their mind on what, when, where, and how, is the person that lacks soundness, surety, and FAITH!  Having faith is so important.  Why?  Because each decision leads to a more excellent choice.  When a person allows themselves to stay in the middle or reside in the grey area, they give themselves wiggle room.  There is a refusal to be clear and decisive.  The ability to be black or white, good or bad, God or The Devil must be made.  The fear of being bound by a choice means "I am responsible for the results of my decisions."  Who wants to say they are responsible for negative, corrupt, or sinful outcomes.  All indecisions become a testament of one's instability and lack of faith. Ouch!!!  Move your toes! 

There was a song, “Stuck in the Middle with You.”  Notice the words 'stuck in the middle.'  Why did the songwriter say stuck as opposed to any other word?  Why, because just as God knows and the songwriter figured out, the middle is not the place to be. The middle says that I have decided to commit to nothing and no one.  I can change my position, stance, or mind anytime I want to.   Because no decision is made, one feels they can jump back and forth at any time.  Who wants this type of person to have their back?  Better yet, would you trust them at all?  Can you trust them with anything in your life?  The answer: no, you can’t.  You can’t because this person will not commit to being committed.  Guess what; God knows this. He knows that if people don't commit to committing then they’ll never be committed to Him or anything else. 

The enemy uses the middle ground to keep you in a place of wondering and wandering.  Both of these two positions cause a tear or rift in the soul.  The more comfortable the person becomes living in the middle or the grey area, the more they are open to any and everything else.  God is sure, and when we are in Him, we have assurance, and with that assurance comes peace.  With peace, there is a decision to decide to keep that peace, which removes indecision.

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