"Look What My God Can Do" Campaign

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"Look What My God Can Do" Campaign

On October 8th we began "Look What Our God Can Do" Campaign began.  In the book of 1 Kings 18: 19 it reads, "And Elijah cam to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions?  If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him."  And so the quest began to identify if there was any wavering in our lives between two opinions. We joined each morning and each night with other like kind believers and labored to build our faith.  As our faith built we joined together and were with one accord.

We prepared our alter each day removing any and all idols, we learned that anything that we put before God almighty was considered an idol.  Why?  Because if anything or anyone has more attention in you life above God then it is considered an idol.

The next phase is the "Look What My God Can DO" Challenge, this gives God the opportunity to show Himself mighty in the lives of His people.  Who are His people, those who dare to believe the word of God and those who will say yes to His will and His way.

What you will hear is the moving of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people of God and oh what a mighty move it has been.  At the end of this task is the beginning of the "Look What My God Can Do" Challenge.  Because God has shown us what He can do we are challenging any and all gods to do what our God, the Creator of heaven and earth can do.  What He has done for others He can do for you.  All you must do is believe, say "yes" to Him and look what our God can do!!

Day One                          Day Four                                        Day Six                               

Day Two                          Day Five Morning                            Day Seven

Day Three                       Day Five Night





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