"Look What My God Can Do" Challenge

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"Look What My God Can Do" Challenge

Colossians say Christ is all and in all.  Because this is so, we have an opportunity to give Him the chance to be just that.  As we have learned in the word of God, it is God's will that we obtain eternal life. 

On October 8th we began "Look what our God Can Do" Campaign began.  In the book of 1 Kings 18: 19 it reads, "And Elijah came to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions?  If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him."  And so the quest began to identify if there was any wavering in our lives between two opinions. We joined each morning and each night with other like kind believers and labored to build our faith.  As our faith built we joined together and were with one accord.    

Now we are on to the "Look What My God Can Do" Challenge.  Thirty days of a divinely appointed move of God. We will see God do in the earth realm what our faith will believe Him to do.  What is that you say?  I am so glad you asked.  Crush the god of sickness, the god of poverty, the god of pride, along with any and all gods that exalt itself against the knowledge of God.  All who will join 9 am and 9 pm CST can engage in seeing what God, the creator of heaven and earth can do. 

Listed below are the recordings of the teachings and prayers, feel free to listen and allow the power of the anointing to flow through your life.



Day One    Day Six am   Day Twenty-Two pm  
Day Three am       Day Seven am  Day Twenty-Four pm  
Day Three pm     Day Seventeen am  Day Twenty-Seven am  
Day Four am   Day Eighteen    
Day Five     Day Nineteen am    





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