Teen Talk

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Teen Talk

My name is Maiya Hemphill and I am 16 years old.  I am the daughter of the head and lead moderators of TMP Ministries.  I am also the host of Teen Talk.  I enjoy hosting Teen Talk because it is great to be able to provide insight to parents and teens alike.

Teen Talk is a forum for me to help other teens with problems that they have no one to help them with.  During Teen Talk I enjoy answering any questions the viewers have about me or any issues they may be having.  Although I am 16 years old I do not have all the answers, which is why I am delighted when the viewers share their input.  

I would be happy if you all would tune in on my next Teen Talk.  Watch for the date when we will be on Periscope, you can view us live @TMPMIN, on YouTube (The Meeting Place TMP) or you can click the links down below.  Because I am a teen and have school as one of my major focuses it is not possible for me to have a regular schedule so it is announced at least two weeks in advance.  If you would like to email the address is: info@tmpmin.org.  Please put Teen Talk in the subject bar to make sure I get your email.

Teen Talk Playlist                                 Future Plans                                    Q & A

Abstinence                                           April 15, 2017                                  Boys, Boys, Boys

Relationships                                       The Way You Carry Yourself


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