Owned to be Operated

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Owned to be Operated


Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 6:20, For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in you spirit, which are God's.

I was driving this morning asking God to help me make it plain.  Make what plain?  Make it plain that we become useless when we do not operate according to the instructions we are given.  I saw a man with a controller in his hand operating a machine.  As long as the machine received the directives from the controller it moved every way it was instructed.  So I began thinking about what would happen if the machine did not do what the controller instructed or commanded it to do.  What would happened to the machine?  One things for sure, they would think it was malfunctioning in some way.  It would be sent in for repairs.

We can liken ourselves unto machines.  We can only operate by one who gives us instructions or commands.  Just as the machine is given directives from the operator or owner, so are we.  God is our operator and owner, yet there are those who will find ways to not do what He has instructed or commanded.  The person who purchased that piece of equipment purchased it to serve a particular purpose.  A gardener may purchase a tiller and if it does not till the ground, it is useless to the gardener.  He may sell it, send it in for repairs, or even throw it away.

We as believers have accepted that we were purchased and have agreed to do what we are instructed or commanded to do.  The problem is, there are so many rejected, malfunctioning, and broken pieces of equipment who are useless to the owner and operator.  God is not going to make anyone follow His directives, but there is a consequence to the choices we make.  Each purchased vessel is meant to be a vital entity of the kingdom of God.  But when it is not fulfilling its said objective, it becomes necessary for something to be done. 

When you have a car and it no longer operates properly, you send it to a mechanic.  If you continue to have problems you may seek to sell it or trade it in for a car that will be useful for the purpose in which you need it.  You can look at anything you own and see if it is still useful or not.  Even if you have not used it for days, weeks, or months; if you still have it, there is some use for it.

If we think this way about our possessions why do we not think that God does not think the same of His.  Because we have allowed ourselves to be His, then we must be okay with the directives we are given.  Each directive given is meant to keep us in a place of righteousness and move us to doing our parts in building God's kingdom His way.  When we don't, we are that machine which is no longer of use to the owner and operator.  It is then time for repair and/or replacement.

Dear God, help me to hear all instructions from you.  I ask you to help me see in what ways do I need to be repaired that I may be vital to building the kingdom of God and not tearing it down.  I am asking you to keep it present before me that I have chosen to be owned and operated by you.  In Jesus name, amen.,

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